Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Revolution will be Normalized

I'm going to get this out of the way: I'm poly. Happy now?
I've heard lots about the movement and plans, getting the word out and it just makes me bone tired. We don't need flag-waving, cardboard-sign revolutionaries. I disagree. I think what we need is to let everyone that we are that word that no one likes to use: normal.
At least to ourselves. As I type this, my husband is tapping an email while our boyfriend and 18 year old son discuss a video game. Our 6 year old daughter is sleeping or at least pretending to and I'll bet you a handful of internets that she's got a book with her. I'm listening to the Killers and trying to put the words in my head down. This may explain why I'm disjointed.
I've seen some online journals about being poly and, well, just living. Normal stuff, things that all of us go through at some point in time. I've said it once, I'll say it again: being poly is just like having a relationship only there are more people and a LOT more talking.
Yeah, normal. Gas-pumping, grocery-shopping, tv-watching normal. I read, like sci-fi and own a Siamese. Who are you?
The revolution needs to be normalized. We need to stand up and say "This is who I am. I'm just like you, only I have to deal with the same relationship woes many times over. But when I hurt, when I need someone there are many hands to help me stand."
Education can only happen when one can relate to another's experience. I can talk all damned day about being poly but if I relate it to something you are familiar with we have a shared vocabulary that we can use to discuss issues.
I fully expect to be beaten with a cardboard sign. Know what? I'll stand up from the dirt, dust myself off and ask how many of them have had someone else use their toothbrush. While they're blinking, I'll tell them how our daughter walked out the bathroom scrubbing her teeth with our boyfriend's toothbrush.

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