Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hulk smash! (Contains Avenger spoilers)

We saw the Avengers last night. Wow, that was absolutely amazing. Inspiring, really because of the relationship dynamics between the characters. Wheadon is not only a master of dialogue but of using words to convey exactly how people relate to each other. I stand (well, sit) in awe of his mastery. Everyone has their hero, the person they want to be. I want to be Joss Wheadon when I grow up.
Now come the spoilers.
Yes, spoilers.
Spoiler-riffic stuff below... You were warned.
If you haven't seen this movie, do. From first frame to the Easter egg at the end, it is stunning.
David Banner said something that stuck with me: "My secret is I'm always angry." The entire film you have this outwardly calm, even mild-mannered doctor who is calmly taking in the world. He deals with little irritations like Tony Stack jabbing him with a tool with a puzzled look and returning to work. Stark keeps asking him how he does it, how he keeps the Hulk at bay. Banner refuses to answer, redirecting him back to what they were doing in the first place.
That hit me. Here is a man who keeps the Hulk under control and doesn't let him interfere with his life or his work. We could learn from Banner.
Emotions can eat you alive and hurt your relationships. There is a scene where Banner becomes the Hulk and Natasha is stuck under a pipe. I know that rational Banner would never hurt her but would the Hulk recognize her as friend? Same could be said of a strong emotion, like jealousy. In the grips of it, one could say or do something to hurt those around.
There is a scene where the Avengers and Fury argue and we see Banner maintain his composure. He cracks a few times, you can see frustration flicker across his face. However, he stays Banner. In a fight, you sometimes just need to remain calm and listen. Make your statements, move on. Keep the Hulk under control.
During the final battle, you see that Banner and the Hulk are one. The Hulk is no longer this mindless smashing beast but a thinking, rational smashing beast. Banner has learned to channel his anger into something positive. The Hulk smashes when he has to, with Banner at the controls.
There are times when we should be angry, should shout and scream. Tears are sometimes required and do heal. Sometimes we have to take the hurts and channel them into something else. Or else it eats us and we end up smashing things.
The Hulk and Thor mix it up, an epic brawl that left my jaw hurting. At the end, they fought together and kicked much ass. Then the Hulk punches Thor in the shoulder, sending him off camera. I cracked up because you can see the affection in the gesture. Hulk didn't mean to toss him that far, just show his gratitude  for the assist.
I am going to work on channeling my inner Hulk, smashing with purpose. Thank you, David Banner. That was a lesson I needed to learn.

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